Friday, March 16, 2012

I am a killer

Hye everyone (^_^)

It has been a while I did not write anything here right. Busy sgt dengan kerja-kerja yang menggunung. Ayat busy macamlah fokus sgt buat kerja tu kan??. Duduk main fb tak ingat plak kerja menggunung. Kalau tak dah lama siap.. Inilah manusia ;)

Actually I'm here today to share about a story that I encountered last week. Because of that incident that I have made, I don't know whether I should label myself as a serial killer or not
( Ni disebabkan susulan kejadian membunuh terbunuh tempoh hari sebelum kejadian ni ). It's not that I was too cruel to be a killer but the fact that I needed to protect myself on that particular day, had made me enable to be entitled as a killer.If I were to be investigated by FBI, I believe I would not be able to hide myself from exposing the evidence of the crime scene.

5 bodies were found there

It was not my fault. I wanted to do my work: marking all the students' assessment and finishing up all the ongoing marks with the company of someone (Akmal - Thanx a lot dear). However, staying back at night would be the biggest msitake I made as they were many of them that loved to disturb and distract me that night. I wondered why as they only disturbed me but not Akmal. Akibatnya as seen above. Nasiblah sape suruh kacau aku..

I told someone about this matter.. He said "sape yg besar sekarang? lipas ke u?". Nak tergelak juga bila dipikir-pikir. Tapi I couldn't help myself to kill them. They were like really intentionally wandering around my place. Apa lagi rasakan semburan beracun dan pijakan kaki ( tapi ngan lapikan slippers ah) memang tak ah nak stump ngan kaki sendiri kan.. Geli gelimat rasanya..
Apa-apa pun 5 ekor lipas berjaya dibunuh malam tu. Macam-macam jenis. Kesian pun ada tapi nasiblah lipas, sape suruh kacau my life. Geli kot. I couldn't imagine kalau dibiarkan die merayap-rayap kat kaki, tangan or badan.. eeee dahlah kaki die tajam-tajam..euwww

P/s: Ada org tu suruh I tanam lipas-lipas yang I bunuh tu..hehe (comel je). Memang dah tanam tapi dalam tong sampah..kikiki ;p


Alfye Holmes said...

x,x if i la kan...maybe lipas2 tu yg bunuh i dlu be4 i kill them... -cutthroat-

Euphoria Hana said...

hehe..nape? u takut lipas ke? kikiki ;p