Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is the exercise that I have created using Microsoft Office Word to be implemented in my teaching.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lost and Never Found

Hye everybody..
Salam..A good start for the new year and a fresh thought to me to update my first CALL blog..
With the feeling of excitement I logged into this blog and what a shocked and very dissapointed I am to find out that my first post was gone by the wind. Where on earth I can find it back.. I have no idea where it goes.. I think I did not manage to save it properly during my first attempt to post it to the web..What a waste as I've compressed my rotten brain so much to write something in the class before..(due to the long holiday-my brain just started to work out and I am really valuing my first brain to struggle..sigh).
However, it's ok. I think I learnt something and I would like to remind you guys too for this mistake so that you guys will not feel the same numb as I am due to the lost of expression of thoughts on your blogs..

*Do make a copy or back up of your post before you post it..
MORAL OF THE STORY= 1) You won't feel angry or mad because of any lost post.. ;p
2) You won't need to struggle your mind again to post a creative
3) Save energy and time..
Don't forget this lesson and Good luck! (*^_^*)