Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Summary of the meaningful events for 2012

Just woke up just now. Wanted to sleep back but still thinking so hard to get the mood and desire to do my work. Actually I wanted to neglect the feeling of guilty of not staying up finishing my assignment but seriously, I'm not in the modd of doing it.. Kenapalah  malas sgt ni. So I decided to update my blog.

Actually I wanted to share about this for quite some times before. Tapi disebabkan semuanya kena ada mood, barulah rasa nak update..Ni namanya pemalas tegar..Hehe

"Owl ride". Since I've started to digress here, Ijust wanted to share with you guys some significant birthday celebrations this year.

Mambo no 1:

Dapat makan kek hijau (apple kiwi cake) - courtesy from papa. THANX A LOT PA, for remembering my birthday..Love u
Ada dak pakai baju sama colour ngan kek nak ngaku my birthday cake dia punya..hehehe.When I spelt my name on the cake for him to pronounce, he pronounced  it as Alan. 

 Dialogue between him n me:

Me: h.a=ha, d.i-di, a.n.a= ana- sebut apa?
Dia: Alan...( sambil buat muka tak bersalah tgk kek) pandai ye..pandai betoll..

My second birthday gift for this year :(..
Look at the date: Come on, I got birthday gifts from a doctor again. Last time when I got the gift from a doctor, it was 10 years back. A gift from a dentist..It was my first time of dental filling..pretty sad as I used to get the prize for beautiful and cleen teeth during kindergarten..hahaha

See, everyone, it's pretty significant kan my birthday this year.. Sakitlah plak (Nak jalan banyak xleh). So there was no celebration at all.. Only eating cake at home je plus makan hadiah yg doctor bagi..

Talking about the gift that I got from a doctor, one of the pills is blue in colour:.Alan loves blue colour very much until he requested to have the blue pills for him..haha kelaka betul..kalau dia tau tu ubat, agak2 dia nak makan tak?

That's the blue pills that I was referring to
Now, I got the idea already. I know he is quite scared to go to the clinic if he is unwell. It goes the same if he is required to take the medicine. Since he has shown his interest towards the blue pills, it might be possible to request the clinic to provide blue medicine for him if he is unwell..ngeee..brilliant idea isn't it? maybe it will work :)

Apa2 pun I would like to express my utmost gratitudes to those who have spent their time wishing me. So many of them on Fb. I know, it's quiet late now but it's okay before the year of 2012 ends I would like to express my final gratitudes to my beloved ones, family,friends, students, ex-schoolmates and  ex-batchmates: it would be very nice of you praying for my birthday. Love u all so much. XOXO.

No 2: Mama's birthday (2nd of January)

Dearie my beloved mama,
I know, I've been a disobedient daughter, sometimes rude, sometimes disrespect you and sometimes hurt your feeling.
But deep in my heart, I have never had the intention of hurting you.
I know I should not be an irrationale daughter
and most of the time of being ignorant but seriously, I never meant to ever break your heart.
Sometimes I just wonder and pray so hard, so that I can be the kindest daughter on earth for not being harsh to you at all. I simply do not have words to show anymore and just wanted to say this:

Happy birthday to the best mom,
With you, life is so tranquil and calm,
Mama you are the best and you should know that.

Blackforest cake from secret recipe that I bought for mama on her last birthday

Letak lilin saje je atas kek sebab nak amik gambar tapi Hanis pumyalah marah kiterang..katanya tak baik..Tiru org kafir..hmm

3) Birthday Alan

During that time, I was not there celebrating the birthday with him but I just wanted to share some cute pics of him during the celebration. (mood rugi takleh join sebab ada kat dungun).

Cute birthday cake for alan.. He chose the cake for himself. I believed because it was blue in colour
Comel sgt pakai mende alah tuh
See, I am old enough now..

Budak ni merupakan budak cute yang paling disayangi lam family kiterang

Started to enjoy cooking

Semua sihat harini? Hopefully okay right. Today's entry, I would like to talk about how devoted I am towards cooking kuih, apam and kek as my hobby nowadays. I don't know why but when there is time which I feel like craving for something or just feel like interested to try the new recipe which is  found from the Internet, I just feel like trying to cook it.

So today, I just wanted to share you the pics of lauk pauk that I have cooked before.

Sotong goreng and udang tumis manis

Kobis goreng and Telur bungkus

Ayam goreng butter

Sotong masak padprid, ayam masak kunyit and fat choy goreng

Ikan percik my style, bayam tumis air
Ikan siakap masak sweet sour, telur dadar, kacang panjang goreng berudang, popia gunting and popia

Sotong masak kunyit, sayur campur: kacang panjang, carrot, terung masak taucu, udang blackpepper

Ayam masak kicap, sup kosong, telur dadar, sayur campur, sambal belacan & telur masin

Monday, December 24, 2012

My Best 17th Birthday Present

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone..

Rasanya dah lama tak actively update my blog. Sangat sibuk dengan segala macam kerja yang perlu disiapkan. Maklumlah before this sibuk dengan hal final exam, so I needed to make sure all the ongoing assessment marks were ready before the time and segala macam hallah berkaitan ngan Uni.

Actually today's entry is not going to talk about the ongoing assessment marks that I've given to my students. Basically I am going to tell you guys about my best 17th birthday present which was on 23rd of April (10 years ago). Haa kiralah sendiri my age now ;D

Ok, on that particular date, I was busy studying in the classroom when suddenly I heard my name was called by a nurse. Actually that nurse was the one from the dental clinic in school. Perghhh mengelabah sekejap. I do not know about everyone else but I believe, people would have the nervousness when they should go to see their dentist or doctor as they have the perception that all these guys have the tendecies to hurt you ;D Maybe I was the only one who felt that way during that time.

Apa lagi dengan perasaan berdebar-debarnya, I walked there slowly following the nurse. When I arrived, I was glad to see a handsome dentist there, so the feeling of nervousness started to slow down a little bit ( poyo je dengar kan? ;p ) Tapi yang menyakitkan hati sangat ialah on that particular date, the handsome doctor actually wanted to give me a birthday present. Waaah dalam hati "bagusnya doktor ni, tau-tau je kan harijadi aku hari ni". Nak tau apa hadiahnya?

Naahh 2 tampalan gigi dekat gigi graham belakang belah bawah kiri dan kanan. Amik nak sangat. Memang gembira tak terkatalah rasanya sampai tak terkata. (Padan muka, sape suruh tak jaga gigi betul-betul kan?) Yang paling sedihnya, lubang tu kecil je, tapi disebabkan nak kena tampal, nurse tu cakap kena korek dulu kasi besar then baru leh tampal. Nak nangis je dengar masa tu. Terus telefon mama tanya nak tampal ke tak. Mama cakap, tampal lah, nanti makin teruk..Dengan berdukacita tetapi redha, haruslah dibiarkan dentist handsome mengerjakan gigi geraham aku.

Tulah hadiah paling bermakna yang akan aku ingat pai tua pon, melainkan gigi geraham tu dah gugur for sure takkan ingat dah..haha.

Okay talking about birthday, my latest birthday celebration was celebrated bersama ahli keluarga tercinta je.. Tak bajet pon nak sambut2 ni.. Yelah dah tua katakan.. Tapi my beloved papa bought me a cake. So kira sambut gaklah tuh.. tqvmch pa.. love u so much:

Here are a few pics that I managed to snap :

Ni adalah alan si baju hijau.. mentang-mentang dia pakai baju sama kaler ngan cake arituh, so dia bajet papa beli kek tu kat dia..hehehe..

In order to let Alan know that the cake belonged to me, I spelt my name which was written on top of the cake to him and asked him to pronounce it, "H.A ha, D.I di, A. N. A na... sebut apa? he said adlan..) haha dia lagi bijak kot..

The end of my latest tua bangka small birthday celebration story. To be continued :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The secret of breaking the ice

Assalammualaikum w.b.k.t

Today's entry bukanlah nak cakap macam mana cara-cara untuk buat ice breaking kat dalam kelas mahupun kat perjumpaan mana-mana yang involves orang-orang yang tidak dikenali. Tapi today's entry is about giving useful tips to all the readers on how to break the ice secara bijaksana dan hebat.. haha..

Korang mesti ada mengalami keadaan di bawah di mana apabila :

a) Kat rumah korang takde peti canggih yang mahal tu yakni peti yang mampu menghasilkan ice cube sendiri cam kat bawah ni.

Ever wondered how to break a cube of  ice without making a lot of noises and making your palms become numb just because of the coldness?


musim-musim raya or open house ni: ice kat kedai dah habis org beli..so korang mesti buat ice sendiri dengan bubuh lam bekas plastic or bekas plastik ice cream..hihi..

so the problem is bila orang dtg rumah dan korang mula gelabah nak buat air.. Mulalah buka peti dan ambil bekas ais yg korang buat tu kan? dan korang mesti segan nak ketuk ais tu sebab satu rumah akn dengar plus lagi haru kalau x jumpa alu lesung...


Janganlah risau ..
Penyelesaiannya ada di bawah..
 Korang hanya perlu buat steps kat bawah ni.

1) Keluarkan ais dari bekas yang korang guna untuk buat ais.

2) Pastu, korang keluarkan satu bilah pisau yg agak tebal hulunya dan bilahnya cam gambar bawah ni.
3) Cari hulu lesung.. Kalau takde lesung, gunalah tukul pon takpe.

4) Letak pisau secara menegak di tengah-tengah ais. Yakni of coz yg tajam dicucuk ke atas ais.. Bukan ke atas ye. Kank tak pasal2 dapat buat air batu darah kank.

5) Then bila semua dah ready, silakan ketuk hulu pisau tu dengan hulu kesung tadi.

Tadaaa pecah sudah. Retakannya pun sekata, mudah dan tidak memerlukan daya hentakan yang kuat jika dibandingkan dengan hanya mengetuk mengunakan hulu lesung semata-mata. Yang penting bunyinya tak kuat.. So, amacam? Selamat mencuba :)