Sunday, October 13, 2013

Poor little kittie under the bonnet of my car

Just came back from lunch just now with the companion of my colleague, Myah. Actually it is not about the menu or the restaurant thatt I wanted to share here but it's about what happened before I went to the restaurant.

The story started like this:

Tadi sebelum pergi makan apa semua, I went down to my car which was parked nearby datsu. When I started the engine, I heard a loud meow sound nearby . From my evaluation, I was !00% certain that sound was from a kitten and not a big cat.

I looked around but failed to see neither any shadows of a single cat not a kitten and I had an inference saying that the kitten might be in the drain nearby Dewan cemara. I had decided to be an unsung heroine to go and check the drain and intended to help the kitten out of the drain. However there were a few doubts running in my mind:

1) How would I go down in the drain with baju kurung? (The drain is quite deep)
2) Would I dirty my hands and clothes for going under the drain to get the kitten?
3) Would I make Myah waiting for me too long at the restaurant if I were to help the kitten?

Then, tak semena-mena tiba-tiba teringat iklan sabun  yang budak perempuan tu kotorkan gown dia pastu die bagitau mak dia yang dia pergi selamatkan kitten..haha (tetiba)..

Okay back to my previous story, after a while waiting in the car and looking around, I found out that there was no kitten around. I stopped my car next to the drain to check and nothing too. However, the cat sound was still loud and clear and after looking around takde, I decided to drive my car out. Dan bila dah bergerak tu tak sangka makin kuat bunyinya walaupon dah jauh dari longkang tu dan membuatkan rasa terkejut dan pelik.. Dalam hati terdetik" ya Allah ni mesti ada kat dalam engine or kat tayar..jangahlah kat I stopped my car immediately outside the main gate. Buka bonnet and check mana dtgnya kucing tu.

Ya Allah memang betul ada kat dalam enjin dan memang betul, ianya adalah seekor anak kucing..huhu kesiannya.. Dia macam ketakutan. I tried to call it suruh naik atas so that I boleh ambik dia, tapi die macam refused to get out from tempat tu.. Nak selok masuk dalam engin takot panas so, I duk meow2 tepi jalan suh die kua. Luckily ada mamat ni berhentikan motor dia dan tolong..huhuhu..
Gambar hiasan

So the award of an unsung hero of the day goes to that moment too and I am grateful, that I don't have to sacrifice any other life of a kitten. fuhhh lega and alhamdulillah. Trauma sgt sbb dulu dah pernah tergelek kitten kat rumah nama black sebab die tido kat tayar..huhuhu rasa bersalah takyah cakaplah..memang tak senang hati nurani..nasib tragedi tak berulang kembali..

So kawan2, tolong lah beringat kalau nak start engin n bawak kereta tu, make sure cek dulu jangan gerak terus sebb takot ada kucing yg dtg berteduh dalam engin atau atas tayar..Nant rasa bersalah sbb terbunuh makhluk tidak berdosa ni nant kalau tak cek betul2..

End of my story for today.
Now can continue marking 119 essays.. Good luck to me ;(

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