Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ankle sprain partII

Assalammualaikum w.b.k.t

Good morning everyone.
Alhamdulillah, today it has been nearly 8 days I sprained my ankle, and the swelling at my ankle is getting better as the swollen foot has started to reduce in size. However, the pain is still there. It's pretty hard to bend my foot in order to pray so I decided to sit while praying and the latest trial to pray normally have failed. It was pretty pain yesterday when it was to duduk antara dua sujud and tahayat akhir.. Somehow I ended up bending my foot like bersimpuh. That's the best I could do.

Alright talking about swollen foot, according to the doctors that I met, they said it is because of the fluids. I wondered what fluids they were talking about and decided to google it. Thus, I found this information:

"Ankle swelling causes the accumulation of fluid within the ankle joint or in the soft tissues surrounding the ankle" (Cluett, n.d)

Now I know, why there is an enlargement of my foot especially when I bandaged my foot. It is actually caused from the buildup of fluid in the foot tissues. Someone told me that it is maybe caused by the soft tissues injury `wink2 ;)

Therefore, in order to reduce the swelling that I have encountered, I need to listen to the advices given by the doctors which is to raise my leg above my heart while lying down especially at night. I just need to put two pillows under my foot.

Besides that, based on the research that I have done from the internet, it is recommended for me to exercise my leg. One of the exercises that I have read is by lying down and raising the injured leg. Then move the foot by virtually write the alphabets (A-Z) in the air using the foot. This helps to pump fluid from legs back to the heart. (Actually I haven't done this exercise-maybe after this..haha)

Okay, so after going to three different clinics, below are the  medicine that I got:

At first I went to the clinic in Dungun with the help of Azyan. She came and fetched me at home to the clinic.. Thanx a lot Yan for your time.I was given medical leave by the doctor for 2 days. She wanted me to come back if there is no recovery seen. So from 18th of May until 19th of May, I just stayed at home resting. Papa took me home(K.T) on the 18th.  Then, since there have been no recovery seen towards my swollen foot, I decided to go to other clinic in K.T. The doctor also gave me another 2 days M.C. She recommended me to x-ray my foot since the swelling was still there even after almost 5 days but she said there's no x-ray in the clinic so she asked me to go to other clinic.

So, on 24th of April I went to another clinic that has x-ray service as suggested by the previous doctor. Below are the conversations that I made between the doctor and me:

Me:  Doc, kaki sy ni bengkak tak surut2..dari minggu lepas lagi..kalau sy balut lagi ah sembab..
Doctor: Bese ah tuh.. Spreng..Spreng..
Me: Spreng??? (Puzzled and imagining a spring. Maybe he meant for me to use a spring for a   treatment)
Doctor: Yelah kiter panggil spreng.. S. P. R. A. I . N..(siap mengeja)
Me: Owh sprainnnn...(Increase the tone) Sprained ankle...
Doctor: (Terus senyap)...Bunyi cengkerik..kikiki

When I recalled back the conversation, rasa nak tergelak pun ada.. Tapi takpelah..mati-mati ingat spring apa tah..hahaha


Anonymous said...

Xtaw nak comment mana, tp just nk ckp blog da cntek tp kaler tuilsan utk kaler2 tu sila pilih kaler yg terang siket so that blog u nmpk lbih menarik. tq.

- ahmaf -

Euphoria Hana said...

baiklah..terima kasih atas cadangan yg akan cuba membuat penambah baikan :)

Ago Advel said...

Just discovered this blog of yours. Informative. Me like! Ahaha.. Anyway, get well soon! ~ luciscaelum13 ~

Ago Advel said...

Just discovered your blog. Informative. Me like! Anyway get well soon ya...~luciscaelum13~

Euphoria Hana said...

luciscaelum13~ thanx a lot (^_^) ...