Monday, December 24, 2012

My Best 17th Birthday Present

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone..

Rasanya dah lama tak actively update my blog. Sangat sibuk dengan segala macam kerja yang perlu disiapkan. Maklumlah before this sibuk dengan hal final exam, so I needed to make sure all the ongoing assessment marks were ready before the time and segala macam hallah berkaitan ngan Uni.

Actually today's entry is not going to talk about the ongoing assessment marks that I've given to my students. Basically I am going to tell you guys about my best 17th birthday present which was on 23rd of April (10 years ago). Haa kiralah sendiri my age now ;D

Ok, on that particular date, I was busy studying in the classroom when suddenly I heard my name was called by a nurse. Actually that nurse was the one from the dental clinic in school. Perghhh mengelabah sekejap. I do not know about everyone else but I believe, people would have the nervousness when they should go to see their dentist or doctor as they have the perception that all these guys have the tendecies to hurt you ;D Maybe I was the only one who felt that way during that time.

Apa lagi dengan perasaan berdebar-debarnya, I walked there slowly following the nurse. When I arrived, I was glad to see a handsome dentist there, so the feeling of nervousness started to slow down a little bit ( poyo je dengar kan? ;p ) Tapi yang menyakitkan hati sangat ialah on that particular date, the handsome doctor actually wanted to give me a birthday present. Waaah dalam hati "bagusnya doktor ni, tau-tau je kan harijadi aku hari ni". Nak tau apa hadiahnya?

Naahh 2 tampalan gigi dekat gigi graham belakang belah bawah kiri dan kanan. Amik nak sangat. Memang gembira tak terkatalah rasanya sampai tak terkata. (Padan muka, sape suruh tak jaga gigi betul-betul kan?) Yang paling sedihnya, lubang tu kecil je, tapi disebabkan nak kena tampal, nurse tu cakap kena korek dulu kasi besar then baru leh tampal. Nak nangis je dengar masa tu. Terus telefon mama tanya nak tampal ke tak. Mama cakap, tampal lah, nanti makin teruk..Dengan berdukacita tetapi redha, haruslah dibiarkan dentist handsome mengerjakan gigi geraham aku.

Tulah hadiah paling bermakna yang akan aku ingat pai tua pon, melainkan gigi geraham tu dah gugur for sure takkan ingat dah..haha.

Okay talking about birthday, my latest birthday celebration was celebrated bersama ahli keluarga tercinta je.. Tak bajet pon nak sambut2 ni.. Yelah dah tua katakan.. Tapi my beloved papa bought me a cake. So kira sambut gaklah tuh.. tqvmch pa.. love u so much:

Here are a few pics that I managed to snap :

Ni adalah alan si baju hijau.. mentang-mentang dia pakai baju sama kaler ngan cake arituh, so dia bajet papa beli kek tu kat dia..hehehe..

In order to let Alan know that the cake belonged to me, I spelt my name which was written on top of the cake to him and asked him to pronounce it, "H.A ha, D.I di, A. N. A na... sebut apa? he said adlan..) haha dia lagi bijak kot..

The end of my latest tua bangka small birthday celebration story. To be continued :)


Anonymous said...

Sedap yer tgk cake pagi2 mcm ni. Da la ngh lapa..huhu

Anonymous said...

Sedap yer tgk cake pagi2 mcm ni. Da la ngah lapa..huhu

Euphoria Hana said...

alo shiann..nk kek?

Anonymous said...

Nak tuan punya kek. Boleh?

Euphoria Hana said...

nk buat apa tuan kek?

Anonymous said...

Nak makan la nk buat apa lgi. Tuan kek tu da mcm apam da..

Euphoria Hana said...

Takpela.. apam pon apamlah janji apam comel..